Jon Kennedy, CEO
Jon Kennedy, founder and CEO, is an influential local government advocate with experience as a County Supervisor, City Manager, Non-Profit Director and serial entrepreneur. He’s assisted dozens of small agencies with Brown Act and Public Records Request guidance.
Jon noticed how cumbersome and time consuming it was to build agendas and write minutes. He saw how clerks worked in previous Word docs, inevitably resulting in errors and questionable compliance regarding action items. Jon not only solved that problem, he streamlined the entire process so that tasks that once took hours to complete now take only minutes.

Thủy Nguyễn, Lead Developer
Thuy is our lead developer and has been more than an integral part of creating CivAssist. Without Thuy, CivAssist wouldn’t be what it is today. He is full of creative ideas and has the skills to make just about anything happen.

"Janice", Tech Support
“Janice” is a fake person on our tech support team. Honestly, the work that went into simplifying the navigation of our software has resulted in a very low need for tech support, once the initial training is complete.
Our founder, Jon, is literally “Jonny” on the spot with immediate assistance. From anywhere, we can log on and see exactly what you’re looking at and provide immediate assistance.